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The Importance of Teaching Kids About Finance

It's never too early to start teaching kids about money. In fact, the earlier you start, the better. Why? Because children are like sponges. They absorb everything around them. If you wait until they're teenagers to start talking to them about money, they will have already formed their own ideas and beliefs about money, and it will be much harder to change those perceptions. Money is a fundamental part of our lives. Understanding how money works is essential to navigating our financial system and making sound decisions about spending, saving, and investing. 

3 Reasons Why You Should Teach Your Kids About Money Early On - And how to action them

1. Instilling good financial habits takes practice

Just like you teach your kids the importance of brushing their teeth and eating their vegetables, you also need to teach them the importance of saving money and spending wisely. And the best way to do that is by setting a good example yourself. Show them how you save for your goals and make responsible decisions with your finances. When they see you doing it, they'll be more likely to do it themselves.

Action Step:

Involve your kids in the budgeting process by giving them an allowance they can use to manage their own spending money. As they get older, help them track their spending so they can see where their money goes each month. This will teach them the value of mindful spending and provide insight into their own spending habits.  

2. Help them understand the value of money.

A lot of children these days don't really understand where money comes from or how hard people have to work to earn it. They just know that when they want something, they can ask their parents or caregivers and they'll usually get it. As a result, they don't really appreciate the value of money. Many parents avoid discussing money with their children because they're worried about scaring them or overwhelming them with information. But the truth is that children are never too young to start learning about money—and the more you talk about it, the more comfortable they'll become with the concept. 

Start teaching them about finances early on, they'll learn that money doesn't grow on trees and that there's a limit to what they can spend each month. This will help them be more responsible with their own money when they're older.

Action Step:

Make conversations about money a regular part of family life. When you're at the store, explain to your child why you're buying generic brands instead of name brands this week. When you get your paycheck, show them how you divide up the money between savings, bills, and spending cash. And when there's a big financial decision to be made (like whether or not to buy a new car), include them in the discussion so they can understand the thought process behind it.  

3. Prepare them for adulthood.

Help them understand needs vs wants. One of the hardest lessons for adults to learn is that we can't always have everything we want—and that's especially true for children who are used to getting whatever they ask for. That's why it's important to teach kids early on that there's a difference between needs and wants . Needs are things we must have in order to survive (like food and shelter), while wants are things we would like to have but don't necessarily need (like toys and electronics). 

Action Step:

The next time your child asks for something they want , have then explain why they need it . If they can't come up with a good reason, encourage them to save up their own money so they can buy it themselves . This will help teach them delayed gratification and instill in them a greater appreciation for the things they have . 

It's never too early to start teaching your kids about finance.All parents want their children to grow up to be happy and successful—and teaching them about personal finance is one of the best ways to help make that happen.  The earlier you start, the better because children are like sponges—they absorb everything around them. By teaching kids about finance early on, you can instil good financial habits from an early age, help them understand the value of money , and prepare them for adulthood . So don't wait—start teaching your kids about finance today! 

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